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Invisalign – Allen, TX

The Hassle-Free Way to Straighten Teeth

Whenever you catch a glimpse of your smile in the mirror, do you focus on your crooked or misaligned teeth? As much as your orthodontic issues bother you, there’s no way that you’re committing to up to two years of having metal brackets and wires in your mouth. Fortunately, you don’t have to! At Allen Smile Design, we offer customized Invisalign clear aligners that are built to snugly fit over your teeth and gradually shift them into their ideal, aligned positions. Thanks to the advanced technology, the average Invisalign treatment is only between eight and 14 months, as opposed to up to two years if you get traditional braces. To start your journey towards a new-and-improved smile, schedule a consultation with your Invisalign-certified dentist in Allen, Dr. Lewis, today!

friends smiling and wearing Invisalign in Allen

How Does Invisalign Work?

During your initial consultation, Dr. Lewis will examine your dental structure and determine whether Invisalign in Allen is the best orthodontic treatment for you. Once we determine that you’re a good candidate for aligners, we’ll use our iTero Digital Scanner to capture images of your teeth and create a 3D model of your mouth. After sending this information to our Invisalign laboratory, we’ll receive your custom-crafted aligners in a couple of weeks and call you in for your next visit so you can pick them up.

In order to stay on track with your timeline that Dr. Lewis created for you, you’ll need to wear your aligners for 20 to 22 hours each day. Every two weeks, you’ll advance to your next set of aligners, and every six to eight weeks, you’ll need to see us for a progress check. We’ll examine your mouth to make sure that you’re on-track with your treatment timeline and give you your next series of trays.

Once you finish your treatment, we’ll discuss different retainer options with you. Depending on your needs, you may need to wear a retainer every night to prevent your teeth from shifting back into their previous places, erasing all of the hard-earned progress that you’ve made.

Invisalign Teen

Teen girl holding clear aligner, making thumbs up gesture

Invisalign is popular among adults, but it is also a great treatment choice for many younger people as well. In fact, teens tend to gravitate toward Invisalign because of its subtle appearance; they do not have to be self-conscious about a bunch of brackets and wires in their mouth! Is Invisalign right for your teen? Our team is eager to help you find out. You can also depend on us to support you and your teen during every stage of their treatment.

How Is Invisalign Teen Different?

Teen dental patient holding mirror and smiling

Invisalign Teen is almost the same as regular Invisalign. There are only a few minor differences:

  • Invisalign Teen aligners have a small blue compliance dot that allows you to keep track of whether your child is wearing their aligners enough.
  • Unlimited replacement aligners are available in case there are mishaps throughout the treatment period.

Is Invisalign Right for Your Teen?

Teenage boy pointing at his Invisalign aligner

Invisalign Teen might be a good fit for your child if:

  • They have a track record of responsibility (they should be able to remember to wear their aligners for 20 – 22 hours each day).
  • They have mild to moderate dental misalignment.
  • They are self-conscious about their appearance.
  • They have a lower threshold for discomfort (Invisalign tends to be more comfortable than traditional braces).

The best way to find out if this treatment is right for your teen is to schedule a consultation with our dental team.

The Benefits of Invisalign Teen

Group of teenage friends taking a selfie

Some outstanding benefits of Invisalign Teen include:

  • The aligners are removable. Your teen can remove them during sports practices, when they are enjoying snacks with friends, or when they attend a big event like homecoming or prom.
  • Invisalign Teen is discreet. Many teenagers are very self-conscious about their appearance. Invisalign Teen can allow them to smile with confidence!
  • Invisalign Teen checkups are short. Your teen will not have to miss a lot of school throughout their treatment experience. In fact, checkup appointments are usually just a few minutes long!

What Are The Benefits of Invisalign?

Patients gravitate towards Invisalign treatment because it offers a variety of unique benefits, the most obvious being that it’s discreet and practically unnoticeable. Some other advantages you’ll be able to enjoy while undergoing treatment include:

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

person holding an Invisalign aligner in their hand

Just as the length of your treatment will vary, so too will the cost of Invisalign in Allen. The unique shape and proportion of your teeth, as well as how diligent you are in following your treatment guidelines, will affect the amount you’ll have to pay for straightening your smile. Some dental insurance plans will partially cover the cost, and we’ll help you with the claims process. We also offer in-house payment plans as well as a special offer for $500 off Invisalign. To learn more about how you can fit the cost of Invisalign into your budget, reach out to our team today!

Factors That Affect the Cost of Invisalign

person rinsing their Invisalign aligner under running water

Your Invisalign treatment will look much different than that of your friend or family member. Why? This service’s customizable nature means that no two Invisalign treatments are exactly alike. That’s why a consultation with an Invisalign dentist in Allen is essential. During this visit, Dr. Lewis can go over the multiple variables that will affect the price of your treatment, including:

  • Will you need to wear aligners on your upper teeth, your lower teeth, or both? (Wearing aligners on both arches costs more.)
  • How severe are your orthodontic issues? (The more seriously misaligned your teeth are, the more complex and expensive your treatment will be.)
  • How long will your treatment take? (If you require additional aligners to shift your teeth into their ideal positions, you’ll have to pay for the extra material.)

Invisalign vs. Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

several clear aligners in front of a red background

Smile Direct Club and other do-it-yourself (DIY) clear aligner kits are tempting. After all, they usually only cost a fraction of what Invisalign does. However, there are several reasons why you’re better off investing in Invisalign:

  • With DIY aligners, you won’t have a dentist supervising your progress. While it might sound convenient to not have to schedule checkups every few weeks, you won’t be able to notice if an issue occurs until it’s too late.
  • You’ll be responsible for taking your own impressions of your teeth to create the aligners. This may not sound challenging, but if these impressions are anything less than 100% precise, the trays might not fit properly, which may hurt your smile more than it helps it.
  • If a problem develops during treatment, you’ll have no one to call. You’ll have to visit a local dentist, which could end up costing you more money in the long run.

By choosing Invisalign in Allen right from the get-go, you can avoid all of these potential issues. From your first consultation to the day that we provide you with your retainer, you’ll rest easy knowing that our team at Allen Smile Design will be by your side every step of the way.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?

dental insurance form on a blue clipboard

It’s possible to qualify for insurance coverage for Invisalign, but it depends on your specific plan. Many dental insurance providers partially cover Invisalign, but our team can make sure you’re making the most of your benefits. We can even provide in-network savings for many of the leading PPO plans!

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

dentist explaining the cost of Invisalign in Allen to a patient

If you need additional assistance paying for Invisalign, you’ll be pleased to know that we offer an in-house dental savings plan as an alternative to insurance. For a flat annual fee, you get a discount on most of our services in additional to free preventive care. We also accept third-party financing through CareCredit and Lending Club. Lastly, we currently have a special Invisalign offer for $500 off your treatment. Be sure to take advantage of your options and schedule a consultation today!

Who Can Invisalign Help?

a patient smiling at his Invisalign dentist

Invisalign can correct a wide range of misalignment issues, so you don’t need to turn to metal brackets and wires to get the smile you are hoping for. Continue reading to learn about the different orthodontic problems that clear aligners can correct.

Crowded Teeth

Closeup of crowded teeth

Teeth that overlap can negatively affect the look and health of your smile. In fact, overcrowding can increase your risk of developing cavities or grinding your teeth, therefore resulting in premature wear and tear. Fortunately, Invisalign can gently guide your teeth into their properly aligned positions, effectively correcting crowdedness.

Gaps Between Teeth

Closeup of gapped teeth

Teeth that are spaced too far apart can also negatively impact your oral health, making it more difficult to floss and brush effectively. It can also affect your bite and speaking patterns. The good news is that Invisalign can correct gapped teeth in just 12-18 months!


Digital illustration of an overbite

Overbites occur when the top teeth come out too far from the lower arch of the teeth. Overbites can cause you to experience jaw pain, speech issues, uneven dental wear, and difficulty opening and closing your mouth. This problem can also result in the top teeth being more exposed, increasing their risk of becoming injured.


Digital illustration of an underbite

An underbite describes when the bottom teeth go slightly passed or match with the top row of teeth when you close your mouth. This can be caused by several different factors, including genetics, jaw injury, and nonnutritive habits (like thumb sucking and pacifier use too far into childhood). Oftentimes, patients who have underbites require the use of rubber bands and other attachments in addition to their clear aligners. This helps to address the bite and shift the lower arch into its proper position.


Digital illustration of a crossbite

When the bottom teeth are slightly in front of the upper arch, this is called a “crossbite.” This is usually caused by genetics, poor oral hygiene, or premature loss of the baby teeth. When left without treatment, crossbites can result in other problems, like an increased risk of gum disease, tooth decay, speech difficulties, headaches, teeth grinding, and facial asymmetry. Invisalign can correct this issue in most cases.

Open Bite

Digital illustration of an open bite

An open bite is when the top and bottom front teeth can’t overlap or touch when you close your mouth completely. In most cases, this is due to poor bone development or nonnutritive habits, like prolonged thumb sucking and pacifier use. An open bite can lead to difficulty pronouncing certain words and sounds, as well as excessive enamel wear of the back teeth. Invisalign can bring the top and bottom teeth together, correcting the bite patterns and reducing additional damage.

Living with Invisalign Aligners

a woman smiling and holding an Invisalign tray

Once you’ve received your new set of Invisalign trays, you’ll need to follow certain instructions on how to go about your daily life with your clear aligners. Even if you’re currently just researching this orthodontic treatment, our team has listed below some of the things you’ll need to keep in mind while undergoing your Invisalign process. Read on to learn more about living with clear aligners so that you know what to expect.

Wearing Your Trays

a person wearing their Invisalign aligners

While every patient’s Invisalign treatment will be somewhat unique, one of the universal parts of the process involves wearing your clear trays for 20-22 hours every day. This means that you’ll need to remember to keep your aligners on as much as possible. The only times they should be off is when it’s necessary, such as during your meals. If you need to, try using the stopwatch on your phone to help you keep track of your time with them out of your mouth.

Cleaning Your Aligners

a person holding an Invisalign aligner and a toothbrush

Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign aligners will be much easier to clean and maintain, as you’ll simply need to remove them first so that you can scrub the entire surface. In turn, this will also mean you can clean all the surfaces of your pearly whites, making it easier to maintain a fresh and bright smile. To take care of your aligners, simply rinse them off with lukewarm water and use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently scrub them before you put them back on. You can even use cleaning crystals to keep them fresh while you eat.

Eating & Drinking

a group of friends enjoying meals and sodas

One of the biggest rules with Invisalign is that you’ll need to take off your aligners before eating or drinking anything (other than pure water). Not only will you want to avoid staining or discoloring your teeth and trays, but you can also accidentally damage or warp your aligners. For food, it’s important to maintain a nutrient-rich diet to help promote healthier gums and teeth during your treatment plan.

Losing or Damaging a Tray

a woman looking worried about something

Every time you’re handling your Invisalign trays, you’ll need to take certain preventive measures to ensure that they’re kept safe. If you’re going to eat or drink and you’re out in public, be sure to store them in their protective case to avoid losing or damaging them. If they accidentally become damaged, simply notify our team so that we can understand what happened, adjust your treatment plan if necessary, and determine the best way to move forward with your process.

Routine Check-Ins

an Invisalign patient visiting his patient for a checkup

During your Invisalign treatment, you’ll need to regularly visit your dentist for routine check-ins. This will allow our team to monitor your progress and review your orthodontic plan to ensure you’re on the right track. If all is well, you’ll be sent on your way along with your next set of aligners in the series. 

Invisalign FAQs

dentist holding Invisalign aligners up in the shape of a heart

Do you still have questions about getting Invisalign in Allen? As one of the most modern orthodontic treatments available to patients, it’s worth learning more about! For your convenience, we’ve answered some common questions we receive from our patients below.

Does it hurt to wear Invisalign aligners?

Traditional bracket-and-wire braces are known to be uncomfortable and cause oral irritation due to the metal material that they’re made from. Fortunately, with Invisalign aligners, you won’t have to worry about this problem. Because they’re crafted from a smooth, plastic material that’s custom-fitted to match your unique dental structure, you won’t have to worry about toting around orthodontic wax with you to ease your discomfort.

Some of our patients do feel slight tenderness when they advance on to their next series of trays. However, it’s nothing that can’t be remedied with over-the-counter pain medication. You can also avoid most of this adjustment period by switching to your new trays at night, before you go to sleep. That way, you’ll be resting through a majority of it.

How do I clean my Invisalign trays?

Cleaning your Invisalign trays is an important part of maintaining your oral health as you undergo treatment. Without routinely sanitizing and brushing your trays, food debris can become trapped between your teeth and the appliance, increasing your risk of developing oral health problems such as cavities and gum disease. Here are some basic daily maintenance tips to complete while you’re undergoing treatment:

If you have any questions about cleaning or maintaining your trays, don’t hesitate to ask our friendly team of dental professionals in Allen.

How long is Invisalign treatment?

Each patients’ Invisalign treatment timeline differs depending on a variety of factors, including how many trays are needed to straighten their smile and the severity of their orthodontic issues. A good rule-of-thumb is the more trays you need, the longer your treatment typically is. However, the best way to know what your unique timeline will look like is to contact your dentist in Allen for a consultation. During your appointment, we’ll draw up a customized timeline based on a thorough examination of your mouth and let you know what your treatment will look like.

What should I do if I lost my Invisalign aligners?

Losing Invisalign trays isn’t uncommon, which is why you shouldn’t feel nervous to call us if it happens to you! The sooner you contact our team to let us know so we can order you a replacement, the less time your treatment will be set back. Depending on how far you’ve gotten through your current aligner set, we may suggest advancing to your next series or wear your previous set until your replacements arrive.

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